Client Challenge:
Client needed a website to promote their mission and offer memberships, merchandise and tour signups to site visitors. In addition, 该组织有志愿者报名,他们将担任导游和讲解员,所以旅游的可用性和志愿者的日程安排至关重要. Prior to constructing the website, 这些功能通过电话完成,并使用多个电子表格进行管理. 办公室和志愿者工作人员花费了太多的时间来保存记录,并且在所有参与者之间的信息沟通方面存在持续的问题.
Cartwheel Solution:
这个客户机的许多个人需求可以通过各种服务来满足,但是同步所有数据的开销将是令人望而却步的,并且与旧方法相比没有提供任何真正的改进. Cartwheel构建了一个完整的web应用程序,供旅游参与者选择、支付旅游费用和购买商品, volunteers to register and sign up to lead or assist on tours, and supporters to set up and pay for memberships. The system allows administrators to create and manage tours, manage volunteer participation and receive reports on tour sign ups, transactions and email notifications, Admins were also able to create news items, photo and video galleries and manage the content of site pages.